How to Sprout Moong Beans at home? | How to Sprout Green Gram?

Sprouted beans are low in calories and rich in fiber, vitamin, iron and what not? They aid in weight loss. Sprouting beans at home is not at all a difficult task. No longer you require a sprouting jar or a cotton cloth or muslin cloth to hang the beans. A small air tight container will do to get fresher and tastier homemade sprouts.
Let's see how to sprout beans.

Take 1/4 cup of moong beans/ green gram. Wash it and soak it in water for 7-8 hours or overnight. I soaked it in the morning. Ensure that the beans are completely immersed in water.

After 8 hours, rinse the beans well and drain the water completely. Have a look at the beans. They are already swollen and some of them have even started to sprout.

Transfer the beans to an air tight container. Close it and keep it in room temperature. Leave it overnight undisturbed.

Next day morning - you can see that the beans have sprouted well.

  • Sometimes, beans may take longer time to sprout. In that case, take the beans from air tight container. Wash once, drain water completely and keep the beans in air tight container for another 6-7 hours.
  • In order to get longer sprouts, follow the same method as mentioned above.
We will see some sprouts recipes in upcoming posts!


  1. suggested: preferrably sprout it in a dark container. do not allow light to fall on the dal. even the remaining sprouts ( after taking out the day's required portion of sprouts ) can be stored in dark.


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