Kimchi Salad - Quick recipe

Kimchi is a traditional Korean cuisine made from salted and fermented vegetables. There are numerous kimchi varieties made with different vegetables; the most commonly used vegetables are napa cabbage or Korean cabbage and Korean radishes. The seasonings include gochugaru (Korean chili pepper flakes), spring onions, ginger, garlic, fish sauce, etc. Kimchi is traditionally stored in jars in room temperature (similar to the pickles we make). The longer the kimchi is stored, better would be the fermentation, so would be the enhanced taste. Kimchi can be eaten alone like salad or can be had with rice and soups.

Kimchi can be consumed fresh as well. Today I made 'Indianized' kimchi salad by substituting cabbage, soy sauce, etc. Let's see the detailed recipe here.

Cabbage - 1/4 kg chopped into thin strips
Carrot - 1 chopped into thin strips
Spring onions - 1/2 cup chopped
Red chili flakes - 1 tsp
Brown sugar - 1 tsp
Minced garlic - 1 tbsp
Soy sauce - 1 tbsp
Salt - 3 tbsp

Take water in a large bowl. Add salt and chopped cabbage into the bowl. Let it soak for 30 minutes. Meanwhile chop carrot and spring onions and mince garlic.

After 30 minutes, drain the water and wash the cabbage 2-3 times.
In a large bowl, take all the ingredients except cabbage and mix well. Do not add salt again.

Now add the washed and drained cabbage and mix well.

Kimchi is ready to eat now. Season with lots of roasted sesame seeds and enjoy Kimchi—a yummy, chatpata dish not to be missed in winter!

  • I have not added spring onions. Traditional recipe includes radish julienne also.
  • Also try making kimchi with cucumber, beetroot, eggplant, pumpkin, etc.
  • Vinegar can also be added along with soy sauce.
  • You can also store kimchi in an air tight container for 5 days in room temperature. Mix the veggies once in a day. Kimchi ferments well and oozes out water; can be consumed after 5-7 days.
